English Policy and Long-Term Plan
Whole class Reading 3
Reading - Reading Vision
Reading is at the heart of our entire curriculum at Beckfield. We know that it is vital that children become competent and confident readers in order to secure their success across the curriculum and also in later life.
Books and texts have been carefully selected for reading lessons, writing units and storytimes. The books, along with rationale and explanation of where each fits within the wider curriculum can be found in Beckfield Reading Progression/ Long Term Plan.
Story times
Story times happen at least daily in every class. These are aimed at developing pupils’ love of reading. The books chosen are typically just above pupils’ reading ages or contain pertinent themes.
The Read, Write Inc programme is followed for teaching phonics. We follow the trust Early Reading and Phonics Policy.
Pupils struggling with decoding are listed on the ‘Priority Readers’ list. These pupils read with an adult every day and have additional practice of recalling speed sounds, as well as sounding out and blending words.
Pupils in Key Stage 2 who are not yet decoding accurately access the Fresh Start phonics programme.
Whole class reading lessons
Reading lessons take place in Years 2 to 6, for all children who have completed the phonics programme. All content domains will be covered during lessons, with an emphasis on vocabulary, retrieval and inference.
Extracts are chosen carefully to ensure that children are exposed to a wide variety of books, authors and themes. Extracts are taken from longer texts to support development of skills. Once a half term, pupils will work on a longer extract (similar in length to one text from the NTS tests).
These include a balance of poetry, non-fiction and classic texts. Extracts from the story time book and English Writing texts will also be used. Each half term, where appropriate, one extract will be linked to the science topic of the previous half term, and one will be linked to the history or geography knowledge from the previous half term. This forms a part of our system of revisiting key knowledge. All of the texts used can be seen in the Beckfield Reading Progression/ Long Term Plan.
Teachers plan lessons around book study. Over the course of a week, children will study extracts from a single text and will complete a range of activities with the aim of developing their understanding of the text and their enjoyment of reading. Our lessons are based on guidance from The reading framework. Teachers design their lessons using question and answer stems to support pupils’ understanding and answers. Teachers design a range of activities, including those found in the teaching strategies resource.
Independent reading
Pupils who access the RWI phonics programme will be given a reading book matched to their ability and stage of development. Pupils are expected to read this book three times before swapping it. The purpose of these books is to build fluency and accuracy.
Pupils have time tabled sessions for independent reading. Pupils who have completed the phonics programme are assessed half termly using the Accelerated Reader programme. This gives them a ZPD. All books in the AR system are coded so that pupils are able to choose books at the appropriate level of difficulty.
The reading leader analyses data in relation to pupils’ independent reading rates each half term.
Our Writing curriculum has been carefully mapped to ensure that children have exposure to high-quality texts to support their developing writing. Writing outcomes are age-appropriate yet ambitious. Children have opportunities to write across and for a wide variety of genres and purposes - see Writing4Pleasure Purposes.
Teachers plan Writing lessons using the shared format and lessons follow a sequence of six ‘Phases’. Teachers save their plans in the ‘Short-term planning’ folder for their year group. See Writing Planning Template.
Grammar is mapped out across the school to ensure coverage and consolidation and progression of skills. See below.
Each half term, one piece of extended writing will be ‘published’ by pupils. Teachers assess these pieces of extended writing for each pupil using the yellow tick sheets which will be stuck in the front of Writing books. Teachers will use their half termly assessments to reach a termly judgement for each child, which is entered on Arbor.
The academy uses the Letter Join approach to handwriting. Progression in handwriting is clearly mapped out for teachers to follow. Handwriting is taught to children and high expectations are placed on them in terms of presentation in their books. Children who are continuing to develop their fine and gross motor skills are given intervention to support their progress, and/or adaptations are made for them.
The academy has developed a spelling programme for Teachers to follow. Pupils learn spelling rules in a progressive way as outlined in the Spelling and vocabulary progression map. Pupils are given spellings to learn for homework. Each class does a spelling test each week. Children who are working outside of their year group expectations will be given differentiated spellings to learn.
Long-Term Plan Writing
For Nursery and Reception, see the writing sequence and book choices.
Year 1
Year 1 | Aut 1 | Aut 2 | Spr 1 | Spr 2 | Sum 1 | Sum 2 |
English text | The Bog Baby Jeanne Willis Bumblebear Nadia Shireen | How to catch a star Oliver Jeffers Lost and Found - Oliver Jeffers | Traction Man Mini Grey Look up! - Nathan Bryon | Little red riding hood and other traditional tales Good little wolf - Nadia Shireen | Jack and the Beanstalk Non Fiction texts about plants | The lighthouse keeper’s lunch Ronda and David Armitage |
Genres to write | Labels Lists Captions Sentence construction/ hold a sentence | Retelling the story Character description Instructions - how to catch a star | Mini adventure story Letter | Character description Instructions Factfile | Retelling Non Chronological report | Setting description Acrostic poem Diary Recount of trip |
WAGOLL | ||||||
Grammar and punctuation progression | To be taught in every unit: Use of finger spaces between words. Know what a sentence is when speaking. Recognise upper and lower case letters. Find sentences in reading. Notice sentence demarcation in reading. Know that a sentence needs a capital letter. Know that a sentence ends with a full stop. Write sentences with capital letters and full stops. | |||||
Consolidate from Reception: -Use of finger spaces between words. -Know what a sentence is when speaking. -Recognise upper and lower case letters. -Find sentences in reading. -Notice sentence demarcation in reading. -Know that a sentence needs a capital letter. -Know that a sentence ends with a full stop. -Write sentences with capital letters and full stops. | Capitals for names of places: -find them in reading -Know that the names of places need capital letters. -Use and check capital letters for names of places in writing. (e.g. South Pole) Conjunction ‘and’: -Notice that and can join two words. -Use the word ‘and’ to join two words in a sentence. Suffixes: -adding -s or -es where there is no change to the root words, e.g. books, glasses, foxes, friends Bossy verbs: -commands in instructions | Sentence types: -Know that there are different types of sentences. -Hear the difference between a statement and an exclamation. -Find exclamations in reading. -Know that an exclamation needs an exclamation mark at the end. -Write question sentences with capital letters and exclamation marks. -Know that there are different types of sentences. -Hear the difference between a question and a statement. -Find questions in reading. -Know that a question needs a question mark at the end. -Write question sentences with capital letters and question marks. Proper nouns: -Know that people’s names always have a capital letter. Capitals for names of days of the week: -Use and check capital letters for the days of the week in writing. Suffixes: Adding -ing to words that require no change to the root word, e.g. farming, helping, playing. | Conjunctions: -Notice that the word ‘and’ can join two sentences. -Know that the word ‘and’ can help to join ideas together. -Practise joining two sentences with ‘and’. Proper nouns: -Know that people’s names always have a capital letter. Suffixes: -Adding -ed to words that require no change to the root word, e.g. played, worked, walked -adding -er and -est to words to compare, e.g. biggest, bigger, smaller, smallest, largest, larger Bossy verbs: -commands in instructions | Sentence types: -Know that there are different types of sentences. -Hear the difference between a statement and an exclamation. -Find exclamations in reading. -Know that an exclamation needs an exclamation mark at the end. -Write question sentences with capital letters and exclamation marks. -Know that there are different types of sentences. -Hear the difference between a question and a statement. -Find questions in reading. -Know that a question needs a question mark at the end. -Write question sentences with capital letters and question marks. Personal pronoun I: -Find in reading. -Notice that I is always a capital. -Use and check a capital for I in writing. Proper nouns: -Find in reading. -Know that the names of people and places need capital letters. -Use and check capital letters for names of people and places in writing. Prefixes: Using -un and understanding how it changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives, e,g, undo, unbutton, unzip, untie, unhappy, unlucky, unfair. | Consolidation of: -all sentence types -using the conjunction ‘and’ -using the prefix ‘un’ Children need to be secure in the Y1 curriculum before the end of the year. |
Year 2
Year 2 | Aut 1 | Aut 2 | Spr 1 | Spr 2 | Sum 1 | Sum 2 |
English text | Toby and the great fire of London Margaret Nash | Paddington at the Palace Michael Bond The storm whale Benji Davies | Man on the Moon Simon Bartram One Giant Leap Don Brown | The bear and the piano David Litchfield Gorilla Anthony Browne | The Barnabus Project Devin, Eric and Terry Fan | Lila and the Secret of Rain by David Conway and Jude Daly Don’t look in this book Samuel Langley |
Genres to write | Character description Setting description Fact file | Setting description Instructions Retell the story | Diary entry Biography | Informal letter Own story | Character description Adventure story Recount of trip | Letter Poem Factfile |
WAGOLL | ||||||
Grammar and punctuation knowledge | To be covered in every unit: Consolidate Y1 knowledge: accurate use of capital letters (inc for names of people, places and days of the week), full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. -form nouns using suffixes inc -ness and -er, and by compounding (e.g. superman, whiteboard) -form adjectives using suffixes inc -ful, -less -use suffixes -er, -est in adjectives -turn adjectives into adverbs using -ly | |||||
Sentences: - Demarcate sentences correctly, using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops -Know what a sentence is and that it makes sense on its own. -Know that a sentence (clause) needs a verb. -Know the difference between nouns, verbs and adjectives and identify these in reading. Expanded noun phrases: -Choose precise nouns to use in writing. -Recognise that an adjective gives more information about a noun. -Find adjectives in reading and in own writing and talk about their effectiveness. -Choose effective adjectives to use in own writing. Sentence types: -Use question marks and exclamation marks appropriately Tenses: -Know the difference between present and past and that in writing, these sound and look different, e.g. I can see the smoke, I could see the smoke; the people are scared, the people were scared. | Bossy verbs: -commands in instructions Expanded noun phrases: -Choose effective adjectives to use in own writing -Evaluate the effectiveness of noun phrases used in own writing Sentence types: -understand the difference between a statement, a command, a question and an exclamation and be able to use these in writing Suffixes: Adding -ed and -ing to retell a story in past tense Apostrophes for possession: -Know that an apostrophe is used to show something belonging, e.g. Miss Smith’s car, the cat’s collar | Conjunctions: -Know that sentences (clauses) can be joined in different ways. -Find sentences (clauses) joined by ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’ ‘because’, ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘when’ ‘if’ ‘that’ in reading. -Know that these words are called conjunctions. Adverbials: -Understand and use time adverbials. Apostrophes for possession: -Know that an apostrophe is used to show something belonging, e.g. Bob’s coat, the astronaut’s helmet | Apostrophes for missing letters: -recognise and know how to use omissive apostrophes accurately for contracted words (e.g. can’t haven’t, I’ve, let’s) Punctuation: -Know when and how to use exclamation and question marks appropriately - use commas in a list (linked to what they see on the adventure) Tenses: -Know that past tense verbs are used to show that something has already happened, e.g.walked, looked, went | Expanded noun phrases: -Choose effective adjectives to use in own writing -Evaluate the effectiveness of noun phrases used in own writing Suffixes: -Use the suffix -ly to create adverbs in writing Past Progressive Form: -Use past progressive verb forms to show that things were in motion in the past, e,g, the man was walking through the crowd; the woman was waving at her daughter Consolidate apostrophes for omission and introduce possession: -Know that an apostrophe can indicate ownership. -Orally rehearse examples of singular possession. -Write sentences using rehearsed examples. | Consolidation of: -Conjunctions: coordinating and subordinating -Expanded noun phrases - more ambitious choices for verbs and adverbs, e.g. the lion roared loudly. -Apostrophes for possession and contractions -commas in a list |
Year 3
Year 3 | Aut 1 | Aut 2 | Spr 1 | Spr 2 | Sum 1 | Sum 2 |
English text | The Iron Man Ted Hughes | After the Fall Dan Santat | Inside the Villains Clotilde Perrin | Orion and the Dark Emma Yarlett | The Flower John Light | The Abominables Eva Ibbotson |
Genres to write | Character description Setting description Retelling the story | Diary Entry Persuasive letter | Non Chronological Report Letter in role as a villain | Character description Retelling the story with dialogue Poem | Story with dialogue Non- chronological report | Diary Entry Alternative chapter Poem |
WAGOLL | ||||||
Grammar and punctuation knowledge | To be covered in every unit: Use sentences with more than one clause. Use complex sentences appropriately in writing. Form nouns using prefixes inc super-, anti-, auto- Use a and an accurately (know that it depends on whether the next word starts with a consonant or a vowel. Know about word families with common words and related meanings e.g. solve, solution, solver, dissolve, insoluble. Consolidate Y2 knowledge: apostrophes | |||||
Consolidation of word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives and some adverbs (-ly) Expanded noun phrases: -Use adjectives to enhance nouns in descriptions Conjunctions: -Use conjunctions to show cause and time (when, before, after, while, so, because) Adverbials: -Use time adverbials, e.g. then, next, soon, therefore, before, after, during -Know and use prepositions to describe position, e.g. behind, above, in front of, next to, etc) Pronouns: choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately for clarity and cohesion - to avoid repetition | Consolidate past tense from Y2 Adverbials: -Use time adverbials (prepositions), e.g. then, next, soon, therefore (opportunities to make these fronted adverbials, with a comma) Subordinate clauses: -Decide/alter the position of subordinate clauses using when, because, if, until -Make choices about the position of a prepositional phrase in a sentence, e.g. behind the, before, after, in front of, above, etc Write in paragraphs to separate ideas | Consolidate expanded noun phrases Adverbials: -Use time adverbials (prepositions), E.g. After lunch, Subordinate clauses: -Decide/alter the position of subordinate clauses using when, because, if, until -Make choices about the position of a prepositional phrase in a sentence, e.g. behind the, before, after, in front of, above, etc Write in paragraphs to separate ideas Use headings and subheadings in nonfiction writing Present perfect tense: Use the present perfect tense (e.g. she has lived there all her life, the plant has already grown taller than…) when appropriate in writing. | Consolidate expanded noun phrases Write in paragraphs to separate ideas Direct speech: -understand that direct speech can show character and move events forward Figurative language: -Understand and use similes -Onomatopoeia to show sound | Consolidate conjunctions, adverbials and prepositions Consolidate expanded noun phrases Consolidate subordinate clauses Consolidate paragraphs Understand and use different forms of the past tense. (including past perfect) Apostrophe for possession (including plural nouns) Apostrophe for Omission | Consolidate expanded noun phrases Adverbials: -Use time adverbials (prepositions), e.g. then, next, soon, therefore (opportunities to make these fronted adverbials, with a comma) Layout devices: Headings and subheadings Subordinate clauses: -Decide/alter the position of subordinate clauses using when, because, if, until -Make choices about the position of a prepositional phrase in a sentence, e.g. behind the, before, after, in front of, above, etc Understand and use different forms of the present tense. (including present perfect) |
Year 4
Year 4 | Aut 1 | Aut 2 | Spr 1 | Spr 2 | Sum 1 | Sum 2 |
English text | I talk like a River Jordan Scott | The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Kate DiCamillo
| Empire's End: A Roman Story Leila Rasheed | The Promise Nicola Davies | Varjak Paw S.F. Said | The Boy at the Back of the Class Onjali Q Rauf |
Genres to write | Autobiography Dialogue between two characters Poem | Character Description Diary Entry Newspaper Report | Setting description Recount (informal) Narrative- snippet of time-first person | Eyewitness Report Formal letter Poem | Character Description Diary Entry Narrative - adventure story Non Chronological Report | Informal letter Non Chronological report Newspaper report Poem (Haikus) |
WAGOLL | ||||||
Grammar and punctuation knowledge | To be covered in every unit: -the grammatical difference between plural and possessive -s -standard English inc, We were, I was Consolidate Y3 knowledge: paragraphs as a way of grouping related content. | |||||
Punctuating speech accurately: -Understand how writers use direct speech to show character and move events forward. -Use inverted commas for direct speech. -Include punctuation inside the inverted commas. -Use the comma to mark the reporting clause in direct speech in writing. -Use direct speech in writing to show character. Sentence types: simple, compound and complex using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions Figurative language: -Use similes and metaphors to describe Expanded noun phrases: -a noun phrase can be expanded by adjective/s. -a noun phrase can be expanded by a prepositional phrase (telling the reader how, when or where). - a noun phrase can be expanded by adverbial phrases -Develop noun phrases expanded before and after the noun. -Evaluate their effectiveness in painting a picture in words for the reader. Possessive apostrophes: -Identify and use apostrophes to show possession of something, e.g. Sarah’s cat or the children’s coats | Consolidate direct speech. Apostrophes for plural possession: -Use apostrophes for when the noun is plural, e.g. the girls’ bathroom, the boys’ coats. Consolidate expanded noun phrases and: -Understand when it is useful to use expanded noun phrases in writing. -Use expanded noun phrases in own writing to add detail. Fronted adverbials: -Use a fronted adverbial to show how, when or where something happened. -Add fronted adverbials to sentences, marking their boundary with a comma. -Choose when to use a how, when or where fronted adverbial. Pronouns: -Knowing when to use capital letters -Knowing when to use pronouns in place of nouns, e.g. Fred went to the bathroom. He tripped over a towel. Standard and non-standard English -Use of language to show purpose and audience | Recap punctuating direct speech Subordinating conjunctions/ clause Use of prepositions Past and present tense | Recap of tenses, conjunctions and subordinate clauses (when, if, because, although) Consolidate fronted adverbials with a comma Expanded noun phrases with prepositional phrases: -Use full expanded noun phrases, e.g. the blue coat, with a fur hood; the beautiful girl running through the streets Cohesion in paragraphs: -use of pronouns and nouns within and across sentences to aid cohesion and avoid repetition Pronouns: -Find examples of pronouns in reading and in own writing. -Understand that using pronouns to replace nouns stops repetition of nouns. -Check own writing for repetition of nouns. Direct speech: -Punctuate direct speech using inverted commas and other punctuation appropriately | Verbs and adverbs: -Identify and use adverbs ending in -ly -Understand that adverbs describe the verb -Identify and use adverbs that don’t end in -ly but describe a verb, e.g. always Plural nouns: -Identify and use the suffixes -s and -es accurately, e.g. trousers, foxes -Identify and use plural nouns where the root word changes, e.g. mouse -> mice Apostrophe for plural possession: -Identify and use apostrophes accurately, e.g. Ahmed’s shoes and the teachers’ books. Consolidate direct speech/ dialogue. Consolidate paragraphs Inc cohesion. | Present Perfect Tense: -Identify and use present perfect tense accurately -Use present perfect tense in own writing to show something that started in the past and continued into the present Consolidate appropriate use of nouns and pronouns. Consolidate fronted adverbials and: -Use fronted adverbials to open paragraphs to show changes in time and place in narrative writing. Consolidate possessive apostrophes. Consolidate expanded noun phrases. Consolidate paragraphs Inc cohesion. |
Year 5
Year 5 | Aut 1 | Aut 2 | Spr 1 | Spr 2 | Sum 1 | Sum 2 |
English text | Who let the gods out? Maz Evans | Journey to Jo’burg Beverley Naidoo | Cosmic Frank Cotrell-Boyce | Beowulf Michael Morpurgo | The Golden Horseman of Baghdad Saviour Pirotta | Shackleton’s Journey William Grill |
Genres to write | Character description Newspaper Report Alternate Chapter | Diary Entry Setting Description Persuasive letter | Story opener Biography | Newspaper Report Explanation text Kennings Poem (possible extra outcome) | Playscript Balanced argument Short narrative | First person narrative Motivational speech Formal letter (Job application) |
WAGOLL | ||||||
Grammar and punctuation knowledge | To be covered in every unit: -convert nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes inc -ate, -ise, -ify -verb prefixes inc dis-, de-, mis-, over-, re-. -use of commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity Paragraphs: use devices to build cohesion within a paragraph (e.g. then, after that, this, firstly) | |||||
Consolidate expanded noun phrases (see Y4). Consolidate fronted adverbials Consolidate direct speech Relative clauses: -Know that a relative clause adds information to a sentence. -Know that a relative clause starts with a relative pronoun. -Know that a relative clause comes straight after a noun. -Know that relative pronouns are who, which, whose, whom, that, where, when. -Find relative clauses in reading. -Know that a relative clause may be embedded in a main clause between two commas and gives more information about the noun it follows. -Add relative clauses to main clauses to add additional information, using commas. Sentence structure: -Use a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences in writing | Consolidate expanded noun phrases (see Y4). Consolidate direct speech (see Y4). Consolidate fronted adverbials (see Y4). Relative clauses: -Know that a relative clause adds information to a sentence. -Know that a relative clause starts with a relative pronoun. -Know that a relative clause comes straight after a noun. -Know that relative pronouns are who, which, whose, whom, that, where, when. -Find relative clauses in reading. -Know that a relative clause may be embedded in a main clause between two commas and gives more information about the noun it follows. -Add relative clauses to main clauses to add additional information, using commas. Figurative language: -Use metaphors, similes and personification to describe Formal language: -Choose language precisely and consider audience Rhetorical questions | Consolidate relative clauses. Consolidate punctuation from A1 Consolidate fronted adverbials with comma Consolidate paragraphs and: -Understand that the topic sentence can signal a change in time, place, event or information. -Notice that the topic sentence of a paragraph links to the content of the previous paragraph. Direct speech: -Use inverted commas to demarcate speech -Use synonyms for ‘said’ Parenthesis -Understand that a sentence may have a part which adds information or an explanation. -Understand that this part can be taken out without losing meaning. -Notice that this information can be marked off in different ways: Brackets, dashes, commas | Consolidate direct speech Consolidate parenthesis Consolidate relative clauses Consolidate fronted adverbials with comma Modal verbs: -Understand how a modal verb is used to express different degrees of possibility (inc might, should, will, must) -adverbs can also be used to indicate degrees of possibility (inc perhaps, surely). -Order identified modal verbs from most certain to least certain. -Write/use sentences with modal verbs to use in writing. -Use modal verbs in sentences to develop an argument. Expanded noun phrases, to include hyphenated words, e.g. green-eyed monster; diamond-encrusted Bullet points as a layout device | Consolidate direct speech Consolidate parenthesis Consolidate relative clauses Consolidate modal verbs Punctuation /layout devices used in playscripts: -Use colons to show the speaker -New speaker, new line -Stage directions in brackets Punctuation: -Use commas to show pause and avoid ambiguity, e.g. Let’s eat Grandma, Let’s eat, Grandma. Fronted adverbials/prepositions: -Use adverbials to show the placement of things, e.g. over the hill, under the lamp | Consolidate noun phrases and fronted adverbials Apostrophes for contraction: -Use apostrophes to show when letters are missing in words, e.g. did not = didn’t Model verbs compared with Adverbs of possibility: e.g. perhaps, maybe, certainly, definitely |
Year 6
Year 6 | Aut 1 | Aut 2 | Spr 1 | Spr 2 | Sum 1 | Sum 2 |
English text | Thes Windrush Child Benjamin Zephaniah | MacBeth Shakespeare | Pig Heart Boy Malorie Blackman | Trash Andy Mulligan | Letters From the Lighthouse Emma Caroll | Playscripts, poetry and performance (No specific text) |
Genres to write | Character Description Informal letter | Setting description Persuasive speech Dialogue between two characters | Persuasive letter (formal) Balanced argument Non Chronological report | Setting description Newspaper report Dialogue between characters | Alternative chapter Diary Entry | Poem Playscript (Plus genre which needs to be covered - decided by individual schools) |
WAGOLL | ||||||
Grammar and punctuation knowledge | Parenthesis: -Identify and use brackets, dashes and commas to include additional information Level of formality: -Making precise language choices, e.g. in dialogue - informal talk Consolidate: -apostrophe for contraction Clauses: -relative, subordinating, main Cohesive devices focusing on time adverbials | Subjunctive verb form: -Identify and use subjunctive verb form correctly, e.g. to persuade - if I were you…
Figurative language: -Use similes, metaphors and personification to describe and build atmosphere Hyphenated words: -Use hyphenated words accurately and appropriately Semicolons in a list Know the difference between synonyms and antonyms and be able to identify Consolidate: -Apostrophes for possession -Direct speech to advance the action | Colons: -Identify and use colons accurately and appropriately Non Chron - Layout and bullet points Consolidate: -Cohesive devices -Subjunctive form -parenthesis -level of formality | Consolidate: -Level of formality -Adverbials -Layout devices -Colons/Semi colons -Dashes -Non Chron - Layout and bullet points -Cohesive Devices -Subjunctive form | Passive and active voice: -Identify and use passive and active verb forms and be able to change between the two Consolidate: -Figurative language -Dialogue to advance action -Apostrophes for possession -cohesive devices Punctuation: Ellipses |